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Outdoor Cookbook By Food4friends 1.3.1
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The weather is good, all your friends are there, having fun, laughing and eating! This app gives you over 100 easy to prepare recipes for all those moments spent with friends and family. Whether you’re planning a BBQ, picnic, garden party or just enjoying a warm summer evening together, this app will provide you with all the inspiration you need.
You can browse through the recipes one by one or use one of the filters to quickly select your favorite type of food.
Unsure of the cooking methods? Just click the video button and find out for yourself by watching one of the easy to follow preparation videos. These have been added to some of our specially selected recipes.
Ready to get started? Use the cooking mode which presents all the information you need, so that touching the iPad when cooking is minimalized.
In the mood for some fun reading during cooking? Just flip through the amazing special topics, menu suggestions or tips and tricks that are either connected to a chapter or even a specific recipe, so you can give them a twist!
Having a hard time planning a date with your friends? Use the FoodInvites to plan a gettogether with a friend, date or group of friends!
- 127 amazing recipes
- 4 instruction videos
- tips and tricks to spice up the recipes
- high resolution quality photographs in landscape and portrait mode
- recipe filter for vegetarian, quick and spicy dishes
- 5 special topics
- 11 amazing menu suggestions for a themed outdoor experience
- quick access to your favourite recipes through the menu
- cooking mode with an integrated clock; the clocks work independently so you can cook several recipes at the same time
- email option for grocery shopping
- make notes if you have your own twist to a recipe and don't want to forget
- invite option that allows you to easily suggest a dinner date with a friend, date or group of friends and immediately add it to your iCal by tapping the date in the e-mail!