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Pair It Food And Wine Pairings 2.1
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Get over 20,000 wine pairing suggestions, hand-picked by wine pairing expert, chef, and educator Bruce Riezenman.
"To get pairing suggestions from the kitchen instead of the bar, consider Pair It!” - New York Times
“5 Must-Have iPhone Apps for Wine Lovers”
- Mashable
Pair It! is the fun and easy way to find that perfect wine pairing:
* Expert pairing advice, suggestions and tricks of the trade
* Wine library with 180+ varietals from around the world
* Food library with 1000+ dishes, for every course in a meal
* Each wine includes a brief description, detailed pairing tips and the wine's unique flavor bridges
* Find pairings by food, ingredient or wine
* Ability to save your favorite pairings
* View popular wine pairings and Bruce's picks
* Add and save notes for each wine and food pairing
* Email your favorite pairings directly from Pair It!
* Sort wine recommendations by color
* Swirl your phone to find a random pairing
* Pronunciation guide for each wine varietal
1. Pair It! does not require internet access to use, so it's perfect wherever you may be, in a restaurant or at home.
2. “QuickPairs” are pairing recommendations for matching basic food dishes and ingredients.