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Panaray Mobile 1.1.2
Screen Shots:
PANARAY® is an exclusive equity research platform designed to increase your edge in global investing by translating dense blocks of data into a visual workspace where you can excel.
Its visual features heighten your awareness of the complex web of interactions within a stock’s data, helping you spot low-risk, high-reward opportunities first.
PANARAY Mobile allows investing professionals who use the PANARAY desktop platform to stay connected to their stock analysis no matter where the day takes them.
PANARAY Mobile features:
• Industry-leading stock charts comprise over 100 fundamental and technical data points
• An in-chart earnings line that plots high, low, and consensus earnings estimates going forward
• Earnings line animation that showcases a company’s history of beating or missing estimates and changes in analyst revisions
• A revenue line that creates an overlay of revenue per share and earnings per share data to illuminate fundamental changes including margin expansion/contraction
• BATS® real-time reference prices on domestic stock charts
• Currency conversion on charts
• The ability to manage multiple stock lists simultaneously
• Track Price on charts – one-finger tap and hold
• Measurement tool on charts – two-finger tap and hold
• Charts that can be emailed, printed via AirPrint™, or saved as an image
• A dark or light background theme to best suit your environment
• Optimized visual design and layout
PANARAY Mobile is available only to clients of PANARAY.
William O’Neil + Co. is a Registered Investment Advisor providing independent and consulting services to institutional clients, including banks, investment advisors, hedge funds, insurance companies, corporations, and mutual funds.
For more information, call us at 800.545.8940 or visit our website at
Institutional inquiries only, please.