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Patient Power 12.10.15
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Designed by a team of Ivy League Medical Students, this app is a powerful tool for patients.
It tells you in plain English exactly how good each medical test is. For example, some tests detect conditions 99% of the time, while others detect them 10% of the time.
It also tells you exactly how often each medical test accidentally gives a positive result even when the patient really does not have the medical condition.
Every piece of information in the app is presented with the specific medical evidence that backs it up.
For example, say you have a feeling that you have a serious medical condition. You get tested for that condition and the test comes back negative. Our app might tell you that the test only has a 20% chance of detecting that condition. So even though you tested negative, there is still an 80% chance you have the condition, so further testing might be necessary.
Or, say you tested positive for a serious medical condition, our app might tell you that even though you tested positive, there is still a 70% chance that you do not have the disease. So maybe you should use a better test before you start that terrible tasting medicine.
This app simply puts power in the hands of the patient.