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The simple, fast and FREE Twitter Client for your Windows Phone.
Selected "Top 5 App" by AppStoreHQ and winner of the[Your App Here] contest!
- Simple interface true to the Windows Phone User Experience.
- FAST start up time and smooth scrolling.
- Remembers where you left of and always returns you to your last read tweet.
- Live tile and lock screen support showing unread tweets, mentions and messages.
- Support for checking for messages while the app is not running and giving you notifications.
- Auto-completion of usernames and hashtags.
- Shows number or unread tweets, mentions and messages at a glance, with no need to pivot to the category.
- Location support in tweets.
- Retrieve and create saved searches.
- Instapaper, Pocket and Readability "Read Later" support
- TwitPic Support
- Loads data fast and saves on your data plan by compressed data.
- Trending lists for current, daily, weekly and local trends.
- List support. View yours and others lists, and subscribe/unsubscribe from them.
- Use Voice Control to read your tweets and dictate new.
- Built in Video and Image viewer.
- Full conversation support.
- bug fixes.