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Pete And The Secret Of Flying Hd 1.2.2
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An interactive story book suitable for children aged 2 and up. First readers will love it!
# App of the week, picked by Apple
# 1 in US Appstore paid books
"Kids who love picture books, or who are emerging readers, are sure to love Pete." Padgadget / 4.5 of 5 stars
"Cute, modern day fable with fun animations." common sense media / 4 of 5 stars
Kids Apps Award / 4 of 5 stars
There was a time when birds went everywhere on foot. They only used their wings to protect themselves from the rain, to show them off at bird festivals or as somewhere to tuck their beaks when they wanted to go to sleep.
But one little bird called Pete has a dream – he wants to play with the clouds. Pete wonders if he should maybe just try out his wings. One night, he creeps out of the nest, climbs up into a tall pine tree and finds himself right up close to the clouds. But then he falls out of the tree…
Will Pete find out what his wings are for? Will Pete even manage to become a champion flyer?
“Pete and the secret of flying” is a lovingly designed interactive story book that children will love listening to or reading on their own.
Join Pete in discovering the secret of flying!
* 23 fun-filled pages
* many interactive elements
* narrator on / off
* autoplay with and without text
* clear and simple graphics
System requirement: iOS 4.3.
***If you experience any trouble with the app or have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact us any time: