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Pets Next Door 2.15
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Pets Next Door is the paradise for dog, cat and other pet lovers. Whether you have a pet of your own or just love to look at cute and adorable animals in your neighborhood and around the world, Pets Next Door is your must-have app!
Pets do cute things all the time and are usually far more talented than us when it comes to posing for cameras. So, if you have one at home, come and create a profile for it! There are thousands of people from all over the world who would love to read about it and see its pictures.
Browsing around is as exciting as it is addictive - you never know what you may come across next! Foxes with ears that are larger than their heads, horses that love to roll around on their backs, or how about a beautifully patterned iguana that's several feet long? Hundreds of new posts are being added everyday. Whenever you find yourself with some free time, come and take a look around!
Pets Next Door provides you with a simple way to learn and share stories about animals in your neighborhood and around the world. It is a place for everyone. Come and join us now!