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Ph Meter 1.11
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pH meter - measure and record pH values in the lab or field using the ODM PH-1 accessory.
This app provides real time display of pH, millivolts, ambient temperature and solution temperature.
● Environmental testing and monitoring
When used with a GPS enabled device, the pH Meter application will record where and when your measurements were taken. Results can be grouped by location or date, and emailed to a central records office. Using the pH Meter app eliminates the chances or transcription errors, and improves efficiency.
● Education
Ideal for the classroom – the pH Meter application makes it fun to measure and record pH values. It is an excellent tool for teaching the chemistry of acids/bases, and introductory electro chemistry. Students can install the app on their own iPod or iPhone, and share a single sensor for experiments.
● Industrial
Suitable for any process where pH measurements are routinely performed. By recoding the pH value with a time stamp and location, this app eliminates any chance of mistakes when recording readings.
● Measures pH with accuracy to .01 pH
● Voltage measurement accurate to 1 mV
● Two temperature measurements: ambient and solution
● Records measurements with time stamp and location
● Reports measurements by date or location
● Sends measurement values by email
● Supports 1,2,3 or more point calibrations
Works with location aware devices to log the coordinates where readings were taken for analysis and auditing purposes.
Sensor calibration with any number of buffer solutions. The calibration routine auto detects previously used buffers.
Record pH readings with time, date, location and temperature details. Each recording also stores the calibration values being used.
View history by date or location.
Transmit readings by email, either individually or as CSV data file.