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Photo Journal App Once Daily 365 1.2.0
Screen Shots:
* * * * * Read all the 5 STAR (Over 100+) customer reviews!!!
"Amazing and complete. Get it you wont be disappointed."
"One of the most used apps on my phone. I have no complaints."
"I have and have tried tons of photo apps. This is the most perfect one"
* * * * *
Make an Album for yourself. One for your kid, another for your wife, what ever you like, as many as you like...
Take a photo everyday, or everyweek, month, 365 days a year!
Set PUSH notifications to help you remember.
Line up each photo to a grid or to the last image.
Play it back as a slideshow. Post it to Facebook, YouTube, and Email it to your friends.
Add your old pictures you have of your kid as a baby...
Use this app to track changes over time...
> Yourself, over the years.
> Your children, as they grow.
> Your weight loss, or muscle build.
> Growth of pets and plants.
> Progress of a home remodel.
PUSH NOTIFICATIONS: Remind yourself to take a photo. Set the regular interval for each Album.
Tip: Use iPhoto Faces, to quickly get all the pictures on one person together fast.
Add old photos: Sync up old photos to your device. Then add each photo in, cropping and aligning each image. Play it back (and share) for fantastic results!
* Add as many Albums (AKA Folders or Photo Journals) as you need.
* Landscape or portrait orientation.
* Adjustable playback speed.
* Set Push Notification reminders to regular intervals.
* Import new photos by taking picture with camera or import from photo album.
* Crop photos before importing.
* Align photos with guides: Using Cross Grid or Shadow Image of the last photo.
* Export photos in any album back to the Device Photo Album.
* Upload slideshow videos to share on Facebook and YouTube.
* Send slideshow movie to friends via Email.
* Drag to rearrange photos
* Add multiple photos at once
* Export Video to Album
* Toggle Off/On Time Stamps
* Video is now compatible for playback with iPhone devices
* Many bug fixes
* Background video export
* Full Native iPad support
* Time of Day setting for notifications
* Delete confirmation
* Several user requested interface improvements
* Fixed support links
If you enjoy A Photo A Day type videos on YouTube or have tried apps like Everyday, you have to try this app!
Advance 4.0 features:
Local Push Notifications
Auto Save and Restore
You can also watch our quick start video on our support website. Just go to, or click the links below.