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Plan_task_1.02 35.00
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"ITZ ABOUT BINPDA HACKING KIT".....................
First of all this hack wont work on new firmwares [os 9.3,fp2 phones.
But it should work with all currently hackable firmwares.
Just download the attached single file hacking kit by binpda and your phone is ready to be hacked in 2 mins.
Even all the installserver.exe for all the phones are included in this single file.
So no more moving the files here and there with xplore.
No more certificate errors, no more expired certificates. Just install any file even if it is unsigned or says expired certificate.. During installation choose the install server correctly according to your phone..
As u see in the sceenshot,
u have to choose 3 files.
*Binpda Security Manager
*Installserver.exe [according to ur fone
*capsoff driver
[according to ur fone
Note: This hack is not for new FP2 devices like N96,N79,N85 or new firmwares like N95 v31 or N82 v21
Symbian 9.1 [Pre-FP1 devicesNokia N77 Nokia E61i Nokia E65 Nokia N93i Nokia N91 8GB Nokia E62 Nokia E50 Nokia 5500 Nokia N93 Nokia N73 Nokia N80 Nokia N71 Nokia N92 Nokia E70 Nokia E60 Nokia E61 Nokia 3250
Symbian 9.2 [FP1 devices Nokia 6124 classic Nokia N82 Nokia N95-3 NAM Nokia E51 Nokia N95 8GB Nokia N81 Nokia N81 8GB Nokia 6121 classic Nokia 6120 classic Nokia 5700 XpressMusic Nokia 6110 Navigator Nokia E90 Communicator Nokia N76 Nokia 6290 Nokia N95
Symbian 9.3 [FP2 devices Nokia N96 Nokia N85 Nokia N79 Nokia 6220c Nokia E66 Nokia E71