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Pocket Jamz Piano Notes Song Di Pianoforte Partiture E Spartiti 2.4
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From Bruno Mars to Rihanna to Justin Bieber, learn to play your favorite artist's songs with this all in one Piano learning and reference tool. Download, upload, or purchase fully interactive sheet music with adjustable tempo, multiple track playback, audio playback, and fingering guides that show you exactly which keys to press. Context sensitive effects legends show you how to play any effects present in a song, and dynamic loop points allow you to repeat difficult sections. Our intelligent song library automatically groups related arrangements and includes YouTube videos showing how to play songs and Wikipedia background on song history.
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Included with each download is a starter pack of songs from composers like Bach, Beethoven, and Pachelbel.
Synaptic Stuff has partnered with top music publishers to make interactive editions of authentic, high quality arrangements available for your iPhone and iPad.
Upgrade to Access hundreds of thousands of community Songs. Rate, review and interact with Piano Notes community using the song-specific thread.
Need to work on a specific part of the song? Set loop points anywhere in the song allowing you to automatically repeat difficult measures until you've perfected your play.
Upload sheet music in MusicXML format from your desktop to your iPhone or iPad using Wi-Fi.
Works with the AirTurn bluetooth page turning device to offer an elegant wireless solution for turning pages or scrolling music without removing your hands from the keys while playing a song.
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• Beautifully rendered Hi-Res piano scores with iPhone 5 and iPad 3 Retina display
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• Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced arrangements for pianists of all levels
• In-song context sensitive effects reference
• MusicXML format
• Guitar Pro 3
• Guitar Pro 4
• Guitar Pro 5
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