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Powday 2.91
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PowDay is your ski-day companion for Whistler Blackcomb.
Like a good ski buddy, PowDay wakes you at 6:30am when it has snowed enough to make it worthwhile to be on the first chair in the morning.
You can select the amount of snow required to make it worth your time to wake at this most uncivil hour:
10 cm--its going to be great
20 cm--its going to be great
30 cm--do you have a pulse?
40 cm--dude if you don't move you are obviously not a skier.
PowDay also notifies you of chair openings so you don't have to wait in lift lines. Set the app to notify you to send you a notice as each chair opens, like a best friend standing in line who calls you when loading begins.
In addition to the up-to-the-minute lift status, PowDay also provides temperature information, and even live WebCam images so you'll be able to check the visibility from the top of the Peak chair on those cloudy days.
If you have a Hairfarmers addiction, PowDay keeps you updated on where they are playing for Après Ski.