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Protein Rich Foods 1.2
Screen Shots:
This app is an excellent nutritional guide for more than 40 sources of protein consumed on a daily basis. Proteins are a very important part of our diet and play a very important role in growth and repair of your muscles, bones, skin when consumed on a daily basis. Knowing the key nutritions in each of these is very important for your health.
This app serves as a quick reference to all those health conscious users, who want to quickly get a summary of how much vitamins, proteins, fat, folate, iron, calories, various other vital minerals that are important for the body.This app stays on your phone no matter if you have access to internet or not.
This app being universal runs on
1. iphone (iOS 3.0 and later)
2. iphone (iOS 4.0 tested)
3. ipad
In addition this app supports all orientations:
1. Portrait mode (Home button down)
2. Portrait upside down mode (Home button up)
3. Landscape mode left
4. Landscape mode right
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Our current universal apps that run on ipad and iphone (3.0 to 4.0) are:
1. Fruit Nutritional Facts
2. Veggie Nutritional Facts
3. Seafood Nutritional Facts
4. US States Complete
5. Chicken Nutrition Complete
6. Beef Nutrition Complete
7. World Holiday List 2010