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Prozoneapp 1.0.0
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proZoneApp is a professional tool developed on the basis of the on-line compiler developed by and used by more than 10 years by thousands of people, nutritionists and sport trainers.
This first release allows you to add new foods and save meals quickly calculated on the basis of PDCAAS factors or weight loss mode.
Of course it can be still improved with many functions. The development plan which we are currently working will provide extra modules for the management of users, the weekly schedule and other cool stuff such the shopping list. But the concept that we like to share is this: in the zone you do not need to twist your habits, you can modify the quantity of food normally used and just make small adjustments, step by step.
proZoneApp does not replace the professionals: it is designed to fill meals with ease and scientific precision. The App doesn't offer recipes and you will not find many default meals. We all have our personal tastes and ready-made meals are just the starting point from which you can draw an infinite number of variations or create your own from scratch, at will, without limits.
If you are a nutritionists proZoneApp will become your companion. If you are a sport professional trainer or simply if you want to get results with balanced and significant weight loss, this is the perfect tool to build your customized meal plans in minutes.