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Quickvoice2text Email Pro Recorder 2.0.3
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* Limited-Time Special Just $2.99! In celebration of our 8-millionth download -- this is our best version, EVER! QuickVoice PRO is the iPhone/iPod/iPad's premier recorder, with SpinVox for sending TEXT EMAILS using just voice and a few touches...No Typing Required! Also includes a bonus copy of our $15 award winning computer software, QuickVoice for Mac or Windows, and unheard of MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!
"What's On iPhone" calls QuickVoice "The Most Exciting iPhone App Update EVER!!" Google the review--it's worth the read.
News! QuickVoice now features a built-in ringtone recording feature so you can produce your own high quality ringtones for free. Use recordings of your music, friends and family, or sound effects then assign different tones to different contacts... Very cool!
Both QuickVoice for the iPhone and the computer "companion" app are ideal for capturing ideas, voice memos, dictation, "to do" lists, classes, meetings, even entire lectures and seminars! Ideal for professional, educational, and personal use.
No other speech app even comes close to all these features and value!
* Simple ‘Touch & Speak’ Design!
* SpinVox Voice2Text Emails to 30-seconds!
* Super useful Voice Reminders!
* Send voice notes via Messages!
* Send Voicemails Up To 20MB!
* Built-In Ringtone Recording Function!
* Pause Record...a must have!
* iTunes Syncing Copies Your Recordings to iTunes
* Adjustable Recording Qualities to 44.1kHz!
* Records For Seconds or Hours!
* BONUS Desktop Recorder For Mac or Windows!
* Use Other Apps While Recording!
Visit nFinity's website or YouTube channel to view demo video of "QuickVoice2Text Email."
Important Bonus Note: To obtain the BONUS QuickVoice for computer simply send an email to