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Quiz Of Country Flags 1.0
Screen Shots:
Quiz Of Country Flags, by JRJA Software Solutions, is a quiz about the flags of different countries all around the world. It tells you if the answer you typed you typed is correct or not and gives the correct answer if wrong. It has great sound effects. Uses random logic to pick the questions.
Compatible from ios 4 to ios 5.0 on iphone/ipad.
iOS 5.0 tested on iphone & ipad
This app supports landscape orientations:
1. Landscape left
2. Landscape Right
This app being universal works on
1. ipad1
3.iphone (up to 5.0)
Other iphone Apps by JRJA Software Solutions include:
1. iMemoryMatch
2. iMemoryMatchLITE
3. Catch Me If U Can
4. Weight/Mass Convert
5. Halloween Memory Fun
6. Thanksgiving Match Game
7. Christmas Cards Match
8. Hanukkah Game
Our current products on ipad are:
1. Catch Me If U Can HD
2. iMemoryMatch HD
3. iMemoryMatch HD LITE
4. 2nd Grade Maths
5. 4th Grade Maths
6. 40 Weeks Of Pregnancy
7. Baby's Development(0-1 yr)
8. Baby's Development(1 - 3yrs)
9. Halloween Memory Game
10. Christmas Cards HD
11.Thanksgiving Card Match
12.Creative Tangrams HD
13.Easter Match HD
Our current universal apps that run on ipad and iphone (3.0 to 4.0) are:
1. Fruit Nutritional Facts
2. Veggie Nutritional Facts
3. Seafood Nutritional Facts
4. US States Complete
5. Chicken Nutrition Complete
6. Beef Nutrition Complete
7. World Holiday List 2010
8.Length/Distance Convert
9.iCooking Convert
10. Nutrition Facts For Nuts, Grains & Seeds
11. Protein Rich Foods
12. Nutrition Facts For Spices & Herbs
13. Weather Calculator Complete
14. Pregnancy To Baby's Toddlerhood (Parent's Guide)
15. Medical Facts For Fruits
16. Medical Facts For Veggies
17. Vitamin Complete
18. Nutrition Charts For Veggies
19. Natural Health Remedies
20. Medical Terminology Quiz
21. iPreschool Learning
22. Quiz Of World Facts
23. Spelling Quiz
24. Grammar Quiz For Kids
25.World Capitals
26. Quiz Of Opposites