This Version of Rapdialer was added on 11-07-2015 in our apps store. It has been downloaded for free by 135 times by our valuable users. Download Latest Version of Rapdialer for Free. is online mobile phone app stock so you come and enjoy unlimited free downloads. Other versions of Rapdialer may also available in our Mobile App store you can search them from related software category.
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Screen Shots:
+ Bugfix for key tone.
+ In WP8.1, now it's possible to know whether system is muted (in most cases).
RapDialer aims at providing rapid dialing experience on Windows Phone in Metro style.
This free version has no feature limitations but little ads in Settings page.
If you think RapDialer is awesome and want to support us, just buy the Paid version (search “rapdialer pro”). We will continue our efforts to create the best smart dialer on Windows Phone.
[If you are willing to help translate RapDialer into your language, please contact us via]
Because of restrictions in WP7, many important features such as incoming calls and call history are unavailable in marketplace version. We will try to make them come true in other ways.
What's new in v2.6:
+ New "All" option in "Settings/Startup/Startup Display".
+ Add "Transparency" in "Settings/Appearance/Tile color".
+ New "Enable smart dial button" option in "Settings/Behaviors".
+ New "Auto exit after lock screen" option in "Settings/Behaviors".
+ Batch Mode for group sms (check "Settings/Behaviors/SMS Recepient Limit").
+ New "Auto exit after send SMS/Email" option in "Settings/Behaviors".
+ New "Replace existing prefixes" option in "Prefix Dial/Advanced".
What's new in v2.5:
1. Upgraded "Speed Dial" with 1-99 keys support.
2. Upgraded "Prefix Dial" with multiple prefix rules support.
3. Two new options in "Settings/Appearance/Phone Number Shown" for more screen space.
4. "Call History" shows general call durations.
5. Improved "SMS Gesture": swipe right long enough to send SMS quickly.
6. "Reminder" changes to alarm mode.
+ Extremely fast launch and search speed.
+ Fast full-text search with T9 keypad (or system QWERTY keyboard as you like).
+ Smart search algorithm.
+ Share contact's profile via SMS/Email/QR Code.
+ Support groups.
+ Support 1-99 speed dial.
+ Support prefix dial.
+ Plenty of custom options.
+ Backup your settings and groups to SkyDrive.
如果您觉得“瞬手拨”表现优秀,愿意支持我们继续努力打造Windows Phone上最给力的智能拨号软件,可购买“瞬手拨付费版”来赞助我们的开发工作。
+ Bugfix for key tone.
+ In WP8.1, now it's possible to know whether system is muted (in most cases).