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Real Time Stocks 1.16
Screen Shots:
- "This app is THE best app out there to check real-time quotes."
- "Great app recommended for active traders who require real-time stock quotes."
- "The fact that I don't have to logon to brokerage account to see real time quotes is fantastic!!"
If you are looking for a free stock app to quickly check real-time quotes and charts at any time, no look farther than this Real-Time Stocks app. Join tens of thousands of active users who use our app on every trading day.
This is a free app. All we ask is your positive and honest reviews if you like the app. Positive reviews are the most important driver for our app development.
Real-Time Stocks app collects real-time stock quotes/charts from various sources. You can monitor multiple real-time quotes at once, not just one at a time like other financial apps. You can easily build multiple watch lists and quickly switch between them. Thoughtful features like multi-touch chart browsing are built to let you get quotes and charts with minimal taps and swipes.
Best of all, Real-Time Stocks app is FREE, no matter who your broker is. After all, you are not subscribing to a financial data service. This app is not a trading platform. You don't need an account with any broker to have access to the app. No login required. No security issues.
=== Features ===
* Display real-time quotes/charts for most US stocks. Don't settle for 20-minute delays.
* Auto-refresh stock quotes every 30 seconds, or press refresh button any time.
* Create your own watch lists to monitor multiple stocks in real time.
* Tap any index/stock symbol for its intraday chart, real-time whenever available.
* Support Multi-touch for fast chart browsing. Horizontal swipes to iterate stocks in the same watchlist; vertical swipes to change time frames for historical charts.
* Support indices of global markets.
* Support many non-US stock exchanges with delayed quotes.
* Display real-time charts, whenever available, for non-US exchanges including TSX, ASX, FTSE, Xetra and many others.
* Avoid any account login.
* Simple and clean interface.
=== How to add stocks in non-US exchanges ===
* Use Yahoo Finance to find symbols of your stocks. The app will take care of all the conversions. Examples for some non-US stock symbols are:, vod.l,,,,,
* This app does not have real-time quoting support for non-US stock exchanges. However, the app displays real-time intraday stock charts for many non-US stock exchanges whenever available. More coverage will come in future updates.
=== Important ===
This app is for your personal informational purposes only. Consult your broker to verify stock prices before any trade. Trade with care and your own responsibility.