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Romantic Photo 2.02
Screen Shots:
Automatically creates a romantic mood & ambiance in your picture
Romantic Photo creates a romantic mood or setting automatically from any picture. Using exquisite lighting and design, your photos will look like they were taken using the highest professional techniques & camera filters.
Romantic Photo gives you 30+ combinations of award-winning photography styles that will capture a feeling, create a mood, or hold a moment in time. With just one click this time saving app gives your photo the look and feel of a romantic ambiance, at the same time allowing user’s creative freedom to produce pictures that are truly beautiful — Now everyone can have a romance with photography.
• Soft Touch
• Day Dream
• Romantic Scene
• Heavenly Photo
• Heavenly Detail
• Golden Memories
• Warm Glow
• Captured Moment
• Romantic Red
• Dreamy Photo
Built with power to produce high-resolution images this app applies only the most sophisticated photo filters to your images. Romantic Photo quickly and easily creates compelling photos for graphic artists, photographers, & hobbyist who rely on a high quality end-result.
Romantic Colors: This color filter uses a powerful selective color process to automatically spotlight any chosen color. This effect draws attention to that color, creating a striking colorized image.
10 Sophisticated Photography Filters and Vignettes
All JixiPix Apps come with: Superior Customer Service, Support for High-Resolution Images & Output, Undo/Redo, Randomize Button, Quick Presets and the ability to create Custom Presets, Cropping with the ability to specify aspect ratio, Quick Preview, Email, Print, and the ability to post directly to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr. We also have an online art gallery and invite our user’s to display their artistic creations on it:
“JixiPix turns any photo into a masterpiece. All that is required of you is the appreciation — we’ll take care of the rest!” “Creative Tools for Creative People”
Photography | Artistic | Graphic Apps