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Rulla 2.1.3
Screen Shots:
★★★ Version 2.0: In the largest update ever of Rulla, we're tackling most of the long time requests from our awesome customers. Read on! ★★★
IMPORTANT: Now you can finally use MUCH longer banner texts! Just enable it in Settings > Rulla > Extra Large Banners!
Also, the "Share on Twitter" button only works on iOS 5 and up, and causes a crash if tapped on iOS 4. It should have been hidden on those devices, and we're working on a fix which we'll upload soon. Sorry.
★ Rulla is a large scrolling banner app made for displaying cool messages from a distance. ★
It's a banner. It scrolls.
★ On the dance floor
★ In your exhibition booth
★ On your store counter
★ Communicating with your fellow roadsters (as the passenger)!
★ Kids and parents love it. So does teenagers. And kids. Try this: beam your message of love across the dance floor. Rulla totally beats texting or SMS! ★
★ Business people use it too. At the next trade show try an iPad with Rulla as your booth display. Lots of businesses already are. ★
★ Sweet! - This rocks. I love the symbols and speed adjustabil ity... I may have to save a few banners to wave at bad drivers (as the passenger of course ;-) (Jonathan Sauter)
★ Superb! - Fantastic for letting people know how well they are driving... (Mark Watkins)
★ Very useful when you think about how many times your voice isn't the most effectve means of communication! (William Rumpel)
★ Fantastic. - I love usin it in the car at night! Talk to other people! (Dr Mark)
★ Brilliant! - Blows all the other banner apps out of the water, functions excellentl y, great features, icons are spot on. (Peanuts88)
★ Great fun - Better get it quick. Million times better than banner. (Craig Wilson)
★ Good - Creative! Useful! Good! (觀島家果仔)
★★★ FEATURES ★★★
★★ Top request of all times: Fonts (the best built-in fonts, and one exclusive to Rulla)
★ Share your latest banner with your Twitter followers
★ Share with your Facebook friends as well!
★★ New color variations: Seasonal Themes. Color your message in the shroud of Easter and Midsummer (Halloween and Christmas coming this fall)
★ Also 5 new color themes designed by Ida Jansson in Göteborg, Sweden (
★ Super quick preview of all colors and fonts
★ Translated to Swedish and now German
★ One single app for both iPhone, iPod touch and iPad
★★ 100+ symbols (and better organization)
★ Create messages with symbols you can't even type with the built-in keyboard (including hearts, smileys, peace symbol, male/female, telephone, and yin yang, more than 90 total!)
★ The iPad version works both in Portrait or Landscape mode–it looks great sitting in the iPad Dock
★ Saves your recent banner texts so you don't have to type them again (and soon syncs with iCloud, too!)
★ Reverse scrolling (for certain languages, e.g. Arabic, which reads from right to left)
★ Sync your banner texts, colors, fonts, speed and size settings across all your devices (using iCloud)
★ More translations: Chinese, Japanese, German and Spanish
★ PS. Let us know about your favorite feature request by writing a review!
Rulla looks and works great with Chinese and Japanese (and Arabic!) characters, too. Try enabling the Kanji handwriting keyboard (iPhone Settings > General > Keyboard) to display your favorite message!
(Technical note: The banner size adapts automatically to the hardware limits of iPhone's graphics subsystem.)
League Gothic courtesy of The League Of Movable Type.