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Safety Rec 1.4.2
Screen Shots:
SafetyRec is a driving tool, which can diagnose the driving style, and help to find the right “driving behaviour” to avoid accidents and to build up an economical driving style.
【Attention!】This application requires an OS which is higher than iOS V4.0
【What is “SafetyRec”?】
・”SafetyRec” is the name for a ”Safety Recorder” application, which is using the integrated acceleration sensors, camera and GPS in an iPhone.
【It records, when, where and how the driver drove.】
・It traces the moving of vehicles with a frequency of 10 times per second, and measures accelerating, braking and the steering motion.(Diagnose driving according to measured data)
It records the driving videos a few seconds after and before shock occurred (Possible to confirm the driving situation immediately after driving end)
【Driving diagnostic】
・Diagnosis of driving motion in 5 different categories, and displaying the results in 20 points max for each category, and total added points in 100point max.
【Driving log】
・Every 1 minutes a recorded picture can be linked from the driving map or driving chart to be seen, so it is possible to enjoy the view of the trip.
■Requirements of the system and OS:
Required system:at least iPhone3GS ※Function of iPhone 4 is confirm, however the official evaluation will be following soon.
Required OS: higher than iOS 4.0
※Driving data will be not recorded correctly, when the system receives phone calls during the event occurring.
※Sometimes the image and time stamp of event occurring may not be synchronized.
※It is possible, that a risky action is recorded; even it is not within the situation.
※The maximum of continuous recording time is 5h. After 5hs the data capture will be terminated automatically.
※Attach your IPhone at a good place where it doesn’t disturb the driving.
Keep your IPhone to horizontal direction, and set the camera shown to front.
※Please don’t operate your IPhone during the driving.
※Cradle may not be fixed at front glass (May be forbidden according to country-specific regulation)
※It uses all function of IPhone; therefore it has a high consumption of battery. Please connect an external power supply to your IPhone.
※We are not responsible for the accident or any other damage occurring during the use of this app.
※It could happen, that in case of an accident no accident image is recorded.
※Program will be automatically closed, if the temperature of IPhone is critically increased.
※By starting SafetyRec the first time, the usage of GPS will be asked.
Then tap “O.K”
If you tapped “no” by mistake, then operate as following procedure.
Settings “Main” → "Position information service”, select Item “SafetyRec” for “ on”.