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Samba Video Messaging With Reactions 2.5.863
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Winner of Best Social App at SXSW - the largest consumer show in the world!
Watch your friends REACT as they view your VIDEO MESSAGE!
Be witty, emotional, sexy, funny, creative, or anything else your heart desires...see how your friends really feel about it. You send them the video, their reactions are recorded and sent back to you, and the video message experience is closer, more honest, and more fun. Who’s ready to Samba?
Life in motion
Shoot a video message whenever you have something to say or share
How would you react?
The most authentic reactions, recorded as your friends view your video message
Get creative
Capture moments with stop-motion effects
Watch when you want
Swipe through your videos - unsend any time
It's fast, 100% FREE and FUN!
Turn your everyday moments into something special!
*** The BEST video messaging app out there! ***
Samba was recently selected by Apple as one of their “Best New Apps”
Best Social App – SXSW festival 2014
10 Startups to Watch in 2014 -
“What if you could actually see and hear how a friend or family member reacted to your video as they watched it...? That's what a very cool and potentially addictive free new app called Samba lets you do.” - USAToday
“What’s clever is the look-and-feel of Samba.” - TechCrunch
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