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Seek Em Hd 1.01
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Seek’ Em is one the first fully functional GPS Tracking/Locators for the I-Phone to date. With Seek’ Em whether you are a mother, father, friend, girlfriend, or boyfriend, you can put your mind at ease when curious about where your loved ones are. Using push notifications, Seek’ Em notifies you instantly when someone sends you their location, requests your location or even ignored your request for their location. Seek’ Em provides for a multitude of applicability in the real world.
Concerned Parent: Parents have you ever wondered where your children are at a particular time of day? Have your children been accusing you of trust issues while expecting you to trust them to be where they are suppose to be? Or maybe sending your child on a trip or an errand but concerned of their well being? With Seek’ Em, worry no more as with a touch of a button you can request their location. Let your child prove to you that they are where they are. Or if its there well being that concerns you, you can request their location or just have them send you there location so that both you and the child can have a peace of mind know that you know their location should there be trouble. Seek’ Em is a great new tool that works.
Stranded: Have you ever been on a car trip, short or long and have been concerned of what happens if you run out of gas or worse pop 2 of your tires at the same time? Will you be stranded? Do you have a tow company’s number at hand? Is it nighttime on a lonely highway? Well, will Seek’ Em you can proceed on your road trip with a sense of confidence knowing should anything happened, you can instantly send someone your location so that they can either send help or be the help themselves.
Friends: Have you ever had to meet up with some friends at an event but you get there too early and now your sitting all alone texting your friends wondering how far they are from getting there? Using Seek’ Em you no longer have to depend on what they say cause you know most people say they are five minutes out when it actuality they are just leaving there house. Simply request their location. The I-Phones GPS does not lie and you can get their actual location. This way you may find that you have quite some extra time to spare, so you can go window-shopping or kill time doing something till they get there. Another scenario would be you texting your friend that you are hanging at a really cool happy hour spot but the person either can’t find it or doesn’t know where it is. With Seek’ Em, simply point and click on your trusty I-Phone app and send them your location so they can be there in minutes, its just that simple.
Seek’ Em is secure and safe. Know one will know you location if you don’t want them too. The way Seek’ Em is designed is you create an alias or Username of your choosing. Then simply add your own friends through their Username. This sends a friend request to that person so that you can verify that you know the person before they are your friends. Once approved you can start putting this excellent app to use immediately. Customize your friends using a picture, a title, and their name so you can identify them from their Username and happy locating.