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Simply Paper 1.0
Screen Shots:
Simple! Fast! Handy!
No fancy colours. No line thickness. No pen choices. No menus.
If you are looking for a multi-functional drawing app, you are in the wrong place. This 250 KB only app does exactly what says on the tin — it's just a piece of paper!
How to use it? Simple!
(1) Handwrite something
(2) Click the only button to save
(3) Shake it to clear the screen
Simple design! Fast startup! Handy to use!
There are hundreds of drawing apps in the store? Which one should you choose?
Have you ever been in a situation where you just want to write something down or draw something? And you want to do it fast before your thought slips away. But you don't want to waste valuable 2 seconds for a complex drawing app to start, nor do you want to operate resourceful menus or colours or etc etc..... All you want at this moment is to JUST WRITE IT DOWN. It can be a phone number, or something that you have to remember immediately, or just a quick discrete message to the person next to you....
If you have ever felt in such a need, then this app is the right one for you.
We know when it comes to mobile apps, convenience is the key. That is exactly what this compact program is offering to you!
Grasp your thought and put down the draft. When you finish, simply click the only button in the bottom right to save it as a picture in the Camera Roll. Shake it to open a new blank page and draw something else. Of course later on you can access your local photo album to retrieve the draft, and then it's up to you where you go from there, e.g. email, edit, share, etc, which iPhones/iPads have a lot to give these days. And our job is at the beginning —
to help you save your thoughts, as fast as we could!