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Social Connect 1.1
Screen Shots:
One Post...Share All
Social Connect allows you to post simultaneously to 10 most popular Social Media Networking sites.
"Social Connect"is an iPhone/iPad Universal application.
Now, the user can manage accounts on different social networking sites without having to individually login to each website.
It is easy to use and is the most effective way of sharing content simultaneously on to the 10 Most Popular Social Networking sites.
This APP facilitates the user to connect and share text, photos, videos and blogs to the following networking sites:
Main Objective: One Post.. Share All...
Post Message Features:
- You can share your Text on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & Tumblr.
- The application keeps track of the character count in your message while typing.
Share Photo Features:
- User can *capture and share favorite picture on Facebook, Flickr, Picasa, Tumblr & TwitPic.
- Share comments with your photo.
*Available source for picture are device Camera & Library
Share Video Features:
- User can *record and share favorite videos on YouTube, *Flickr & Picasa.
- Share comment with video.
*Available source for Video are device Camera & Library
*Camera is only available on latest model iPhone, iPod Touch & iPad with cameras.
*Please note that maximum video limit for Flickr video sharing is 90 sec.
Add Blog Post:
- You can share your blog Post on Wordpress & Blogger.
Auto Select Feature:
- While sharing message, picture,video or blog the respective social platforms will be selected automatically.
- With one touch, user can quickly deselect any platform which he/she would not like to share.
Settings Feature:
- login settings can be done straight from the application*.
- User can Logout from individual social platform account.
*A connection to the Internet is needed to use all features.
iOS Device platform and Orientation:
- An Universal application and can be used with iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad.
- Application can work in both Portrait & Landscape mode.
Brand names, logos and trademarks used herein remain the property of their respective owners. This listing of any firm or their logos is not intended to imply any endorsement or direct affiliation with Social Connect App.