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Soundbox 1.05
Screen Shots:
SoundBox is a fun sound machine for your iPhone. A variety of sounds were selected for everyday usage. Each high quality sound was carefully chosen for your listening pleasure.
The sounds included in this application are:
Drum Roll
Shot Gun
Cuckoo Clock
Back up beep
Yell (funny)
Baby Cry
Wolf whistle
Comedy drumroll (baDum-Crash)
Boi oing spring
Cow moo
Truck Horn
Fanfare horns
Please email / call me if you have suggestions!
* Please make sure that the PHONE IS NOT IN SILENT MODE (The switch on the side of the phone should be UP) and SETTINGS | GENERAL | SOUND EFFECTS is set to BOTH.
** You need to use headphones or an external speaker on an iPod Touch (as it has no internal speaker).
I have received a report from another developer that some users are having problems downloading larger applications. If you purchase my software and have trouble getting it on the phone, please do the following:
Purchase the software again from iTunes on the computer (using the same iTunes account you use on your iPhone). It will tell you that you already paid for it and will not charge you again. After the program is downloaded to iTunes, sync your iPhone to the computer. The software will now be up and running!
If you have other problems, please contact me so that I can help you.