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Sp Saturday
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SharePoint Saturday Mobile supplements a SharePoint Saturday event nicely by making important conference related information readily available on mobile devices.
When you attend a SharePoint Saturday conference you need to find out where the event is and how to get there, what time it starts and ends, what sessions are available to attend, who the presenters are, what room the sessions are in, what time they begin, etc. SharePoint Saturday Mobile will put all of this information at your fingertips as well as giving you the ability to build your own personal event schedule and submit feedback on the event and the sessions you attend.
Visit the SharePoint Saturday web site to learn more about the features in the application right now, the additional features you will find in coming versions of SharePoint Saturday Mobile, and frequently asked questions. SharePoint Saturday Mobile is being released in a phased approach to gather community feedback as subsequent versions are created and released.
SharePoint Saturday Mobile is brought to you by Canviz Consulting and The Darrin Bishop Group.