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Starting A Business With Venture Capital 2.0.1
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Start a Business with Venture Capital
Do you have an idea for a business, but don’t know how to get it off the ground?
Wondering how to get the money you need bring your idea to life?
Maybe you’re further along in your funding, but still have questions about how to close your VC round with the best possible terms?
The 41+ videos in this app are designed to help entrepreneurs looking to pursue funding without giving up a huge chunk of their company in the process.
We sat down and interviewed successful business owners who have raised millions of dollars for their companies, and had them spell out EXACTLY how they did it, step-by-step.
We have even included interviews with “A level” venture capitalists who give you information from the OTHER side of the table -- things like:
• What VCs are looking for in a business idea/team
• The right and wrong ways to pitch your idea
• The best way to structure a business plan
Walking into a funding pitch with this information under your belt is like having an earpiece with a successful venture capitalist on the other end telling you exactly what to say next.
If you are serious about raising money, this is the info you’ve been looking for.
Topics Include:
• Nurturing and Protecting An Idea
• Planning, Prepping & Pitching
• Relationship Building with Investors
• Deal Negotiation with angel and VC investors
• Private Equity vs. Venture Capital
**Note: This app functions best with the latest version of iOS **
“Each chapter guides iPad and iPhone users through the whole process of starting and running a business, from getting an idea to finding capital sources... If you want to hear advice of professional venture capitalists, this is a must-have app for you.” – Ali Gorelova,