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Stocktouch 3.2
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StockTouch will change the way we understand stocks and companies. Its groundbreaking interface brings the power of data visualization and financial information together. Seamlessly watch the market as it unfolds and quickly dive into data to uncover insights and trends on companies and sectors. Touch anywhere, zoom in and out, monitor price and volume, and study historical information. Fast loading data, elegant design, radiant colors and fluid navigation. Immersive and sublimely intelligent.
One interface, 9 sectors, 5,000+ companies, 40,000 charts, 50,000 news stories and 150,000 tiles of heat. StockTouch displays heat maps for both the top 900 US and 900 Global companies in each sector by market capitalization. Users create their own personal heat maps of favorite stocks and ETFs, synced through iCloud. PE Ratio & Dividend Yield heat map displays and sorting arrangements. Stock price data for Pro version updated in real-time throughout the trading day, 9:30AM to 4PM EST. Data for free version updated every 5 minutes. Loads fast over wireless network connections, LTE and 4G.
StockTouch Pro in-app purchase features premium data and functionality:
* Real Time Up/Down Price Tick Display Animation during trading hours
* Hot Stocks dynamic heat map: intraday 100 hottest price and volume movers
* WatchList with fast text editing and copy/paste
* Real-time quotes / NASDAQ Last Sale stock prices
StockTouch Pro is a time-based in-app upgrade, 1-month and 1-year. User purchase synced via iCloud, so there is no user registration required. No auto-renew.
StockTouch is part a new breed of high performance visual business information apps.