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Storytel 4.1
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With Storytel you can listen to audiobooks on your smartphone wherever and whenever you want. Unlimited listening from our large and ever expanding library.
Storytel is available in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Holland.
Smart functions in the app:
- Listen offline
- Increase or decrease the speed of listening, even when the book is being streamed
- Set the audiobook to snooze with the built in sleep function
- Set your own bookmarks and make notes
- Share recommendations with your friends
- Get personal recommendations
- Filter languages in settings or under specific categories and sort them in multiple ways in order to find your favourite books
- Adapted for iPad
- Save upcoming books to your bookshelf, get notified when they are released.
- Find the biggest and best book series in our special Series section
- Children’s books divided by age
- Mobile player bubble that follows your browsing in the app
... And much more, enjoy!
Register a subscription at Storytel’s website via your computer or on your phone. Unlimited listening to thousands of titles, simple and incredible value for money.
We really hope you enjoy this life enhancing experience!