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Sunstroke 1.6.0
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Sunstroke was the first iPhone and iPod touch app designed to work with Shaun Inman's Fever. Sunstroke is a universal app designed to work on all of your iOS devices, including iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. It syncs with your current installation of Fever and gives you full access to all of your feeds, hot links, and saved items. Sunstroke is also the only iOS RSS app that enables you to quickly search every item downloaded to the app. You can even save searches to catch news about any topics that interest you. It is the best way to use Fever on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
Sunstroke supports all of your favorite Fever features, including:
— Hot links
— Saved items
— Kindling, groups, and sparks
— Mark items as read as you scroll past them
— Hide unread counts by default
— Sort new items by date or by feed
In addition to supporting all of Fever’s beloved features, Sunstroke adds new features that are only possible because it is a native iPhone/iPad/iPod touch app. Some of the new features of Sunstroke include:
— Fast performance, even when subscribed to a lot of feeds
— Incredibly fast full-text search of every item downloaded to Sunstroke
— Saved searches that update automatically to keep you up-to-date on whatever interests you
— Integrated sharing with the most popular services on the Web, like Facebook, Twitter, Instapaper, Pocket (Read It Later), Readability, and Pinboard.
— Tight integration with a host of the most popular apps for iOS, including Chrome, Buffer, Netbot, Felix, Riposte, and Pinbook.
— Offline viewing of your downloaded items
— Image caching for offline viewing
— Background syncing
Sunstroke requires that you have already purchased and set up Shaun Inman’s Fever. Fever is a self-hosted RSS feed reader that, in the words of its creator, “takes the temperature of your slice of the web and shows you what's hot.”
Fever is copyright © 2008-2013 Shaun Inman