This Version of Super polygon was added on 10-06-2016 in our apps store. It has been downloaded for free by 372 times by our valuable users. Download Latest Version of Super polygon for Free. is online mobile phone app stock so you come and enjoy unlimited free downloads. Other versions of Super polygon may also available in our Mobile App store you can search them from related software category.
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Super Polygon
Screen Shots:
Super Polygon is a twitchy, hypnotic music-rhythm based game that looks deceptively simple but is hard to master. This is the game you need to zone out and lose yourself in the minimalist action mechanic beating to the music. Your reflexes and patience will be tested. You will get trapped in complex polygon patterns, repeatedly die and get frustrated. But you will rejoice when you figure out the patterns and how to navigate the treacherous polygon world. This is not Flappy bird, this is some hard core stuff. So zone in or zone out... and get ready for addictive gameplay.
First check out the tutorial/learn mode, choose the visual theme you like and then get down to it. Prove yourself in Super Square, Super Pentagon, Super Hexagon and Super Octagon to put your best score on the online leaderboard.
This game can be completely played without any purchase. But the game does offer in-app-purchases to remove ads, enable premium visual themes and unlock all levels from the get go. In app purchase range between $1.99 - $6.99.
Please provide feedback and don't forget to rate it a 5-star game. Like our facebook page:
1 new level Hyper Polygonest
Improved visual themes and effects (day, night, dusk) on settings screen
Increased difficulty in all levels