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Symbianon.advanced Theme V1.0
Screen Shots:
Set a full screen wallpaper on the fly,Set an alarm for the selected days in a week,Set a time to shut down phone at a fixed time every day
"Advanced Theme" is a value-added service on S60 3rd Edition platform. It has the following functions: 1,Set a full screen wallpaper on the fly
2,Set an alarm for the selected days in a week
3,Set a time to shut down phone at a fixed time every day
Menu functions:
Create Wallpaper: by selecting this menu item, a user is able to select a picture from his/her phone device to define a region to be set for the wallpaper.
Once a picture is selected, it is displayed in the main pane of the screen. No matter whatever the picture size is, the picture is normalized to fit into the main pane. A user is able to use left/right or up/down keys to select the region to be used for the wallpaper depending on the aspect ration of the selected picture. If the selected picture has the same aspect ratio as the phone screen, the user will not be able to select regions of the picture, and the whole picture will be used for the full screen wallpaper.
Once a region is selected, a user may select ?Done? To set the current selected picture to be the whole screen wallpaper. The user can go to the idle screen to see the effect immediately, and the wallpaper picture will be set during every boot of the phone afterwards as long as the setting ?Set wallpaper function? Is turned on.
Pressing the ?OK? Key will make the displaying picture rotating clockwise by 90 degrees. As such, a user is able to adjust the orientation of the picture. Further uses left/right or up/down to select the region to be used for wallpaper.
Please be noted that landscape display mode is not currently supported on the phone for simplicity!
Tip:a user may go to S60 ?Settings? Application to turn off the ?Active standby? Option to make the wallpaper more clear.
Set wallpaper function: when it is on, at boot-up of phone, wallpaper will be automatically set. When it is off, wallpaper will not be set by ?Theme? Application.
Autolock function: when it is on, during a predefined period of time, if keyboard is not touched, keyboard will automatically be locked.
AutoLock time interval: define the time interval for activating the key lock.
Power on function: when this option is on, then an alarm will be set automatically every day according to the days defined in ?Power on days?
Power on days: define the days to be alarmed for the week.
Power on time: define the alarm time for the days defined in ?Power on days?.
Shut down function: when this function is on, the mobile phone will be turned off automatically at the time defined in ?Shut down at? Every day. When this option is off, then it has no effect at all.
Auto start enable: when this option is on, the service provider (a server) is auto-started. If a user turns this option to off, all of the functions (shutdown, power-on, wallpaper) in this application will not be functioning!