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Taichi17 1.0
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Looking for a fun, whole-body exercise alternative, that can be done anywhere and anytime? Well, look no further. The Tai Chi 17 App was designed as an introductory course to teach you 17 specific Tai Chi movements to help reduce stress, improve flexibility, and improve overall mind and body health. The app uses the first 17 moves of the Tai Chi Set of Master Moy Lin-Shin and has been adjusted by his disciple, Ben Chung for ease of learning without a live instructor. Learn and practice at your own pace and start seeing results quickly. The App will give you a good introductory knowledge of Tai Chi and will allow you to enter more formal classes at a later time.
Some of the special features you'll receive:
• 360 degree rotations of each beginning and end pose to ensure movement accuracy (it's also really cool to use!)
• Self assessment to gauge progress
• Audio Instruction throughout the app to keep you focused on learning
• Video with a variety of viewing angles to perfect the movements
- Foundation exercises to form good habits.
• Terminology dictionary
• Common mistakes section to correct your position in real-time
Some of the health benefits from Tai Chi:
• Improved flexibility
• Better balance
• Improved cardiovascular function and motor function
• Reduction in pain and muscle tension
• Better sleep
• Increased energy
• Reduction in stress
• Better concentration and focus
• Enhanced sense of well-being
Learning Tai Chi has never been easier. Download the app today!