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The Cocktail App 1.2
Screen Shots:
Based on the famous cocktails poster by Konstantin Datz, you now have the world’s finest cocktails all in one greatly designed iPhone-App!
Watching cocktail recipies has never been that pleasant!
The unique look of each cocktail provides you an incredibly catchy overview over particular recipe.
In order to guarantee you the best recognition value as possible, every ingredient has it’s own droplet.
So you are able to differentiate them by their material, color and texture!
We developed an unique filter system which enables you stunning possibilities! You want to choose a cocktail by available drinks in your housebar? No problem!
– 79 recipes of the most common cocktails all over the world.
– 67 different ingredients.
– Nice trivia for every single cocktail AND every ingredient.
– Unique clarity
– Full German and English language support
Thanks to the awesome UI structure everyone will be in a wink of an eye able to prepare the cocktail of his choice! The only thing we can’t divest you of is buying the necessary ingredients …