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The Eatery 0.8.2
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Want to take real steps to improve your eating habits? Use The Eatery to snap photos of your food. We’ll give you something much more helpful than calorie counts.
— Stop Counting Calories. Start Eating Better —
• Studies show that simply recording your meals helps you lose more weight.
• It's not about counting calories — it's about becoming aware of your habits.
• The Eatery makes that process fast and beautiful — just snap and rate.
• Get a second opinion on the healthiness of your meals.
— Deep Insights —
Eat better by learning more about yourself. The Eatery will help you discover:
• Did you eat better this week than last week?
• Do you eat worse when you have a late lunch?
• Where do you eat your best and worst meals?
— Everything's Better With Friends —
• Invite your friends and they'll encourage you and keep you honest.
• Return the favor: Rate and comment on your friends' meals to help them reach their goals.
• Find a great salad at a new restaurant? Share it!
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