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The Little Lady Agency The Little Lady Agency 1
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Hilarious and warmhearted, this "deliciously addictive" (Cosmopolitan) debut romantic comedy stars a woman who goes from doormat to diva when she sets up shop as the ultimate freelance girlfriend.
Melissa Romney-Jones can bake a perfect sponge cake, type her little heart out, and plan a party blindfolded. But none of that has helped her get far in life or in love. When she gets fired -- again -- she decides to market her impeccable social skills to single men. To avoid embarrassing her father, a Member of Parliament, Melissa dons a blond wig and becomes Honey, a no-nonsense bombshell who helps clueless bachelors shop, entertain, and navigate social minefields. She even attends parties if a client needs a "date." But when a dashing American starts to request Honey's services on a regular basis, it's only a matter of time before Honey's and Melissa's worlds collide...