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The Love Dare 40 Dares 4.10.2
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The Love Dare: The 40 Dares sends The Love Dare’s daily marriage-strengthening action points directly to your iPhone along with a checklist.
Application features include:
* Full text searches on Bibles, including Boolean and complex searches
* Scripture references in the text may be tapped to see the full text of the Bible verse in a pop-up box. Pop-ups are scrollable to view the verse in context.
* The book and Bible are stored on the device. An Internet connection is not necessary.
* Quickly navigate The 40 Dares via the table of contents.
* Quickly navigate the included Bible by book, chapter, and verse.
* Reading in portrait or landscape mode
* Font face and size may be customized
* Words of Christ in red (or customized)
* Customizable color scheme for Scripture pop-up boxes
* Additional Bible translations may be purchased for use with the scripture-link feature in this eBook.
* A planned update will add the ability to create a note tied to the text of The 40 Dares or a Bible verse.
Published by B&H Publishing Group -
Powered by Olive Tree Bible Software -