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To The Edge The Bodyguards 1
Screen Shots:
Nolan Garrett’s on a roll. For three months he’s managed to sustain a string of booze-soaked days and mercifully dreamless nights, searching for a comfort zone at the bottom of the barrel. Just when he thinks he’s getting close, life takes a turn for the worse and dumps him back into the thick of things.
He’s found a job. Or rather a job has found him.
Job title: Bodyguard.
Objective: Keep Jillian Kincaid, the only child of one of the richest men in Palm Beach, Florida, alive.
Prospects: Not good for this ex-army Ranger who’s more interested in working on his own not-quite-subconscious death wish.
Jillian Kincaid doesn’t have a death wish. She’s got a life wish – to carry on with the one she’s built on her own, disconnected from her father’s power and wealth. She’s used brains, savvy and in-your-face determination to carve out a career in the highly competitive television news industry. And she’ll be damned if she’ll let a couple of death threats take it all away from her when she’s on a fast track to a cable network anchor. Duck and run? Not in this lifetime.
Only this lifetime is growing shorter and shorter for Jillian as a sick, sinister predator stalks her with only one purpose in mind. To see her dead.