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Tsar Saltan 1.1
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Tsar Saltan – Russian interactive picture app-tale (for iPad) “Tsar Saltan” is a book-app by Russian famous classic author Alexander Pushkin. “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” was written in the beginning of the 19 century and got right to the treasure of Russian fairy literature.
It took us quite a while to plot, paint and make the pictures interactive and animated.
Now here it is – the first app in a Pushkin tales series on iPad!
- Interactive features almost on the each of 45 pages!
- Sound effects, accelerometer and animation. Cannons are firing, sea rising, you name it.
- Hidden interactive features. Surprises may expect you everywhere.
- Record the book in your own voice.
- Two languages: English and Russian
- Alexander Pushkin’s original poetry.
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