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Twitt 2.0
Screen Shots:
Twitt was the first full featured Twitter client for Windows Phone.
Have your tweets read to you in one of 5 languages including translating the tweets into English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.
New release v2.15:
• Fixed Twitter changed API that caused logging in to fail.
New release v2.14:
• Fixed issue generating user lists that said possibly rate limit was hit, error due to Twitter API change
Support for:
• Auto audio playback of tweets and translation into one of 5 languages
• Browse tweets one at a time or in a list
• context menus on tweets allowing you to hold down on a tweet for a second and perform actions with less clicks like open the link, replying or sending direct messages
• Optional setting to open a link to a tweet by just clicking on the tweet
• Reply, Re-tweets or send Direct Messages
• Reply All, allows you to reply to all mentioned users in a tweet
• Add comments to Re-tweets
• Easily pick from your friend list to add to tweets
• Add items to Favorites
• Twitter search
• Full list management
• Picture uploads with Twitpic or yfrog
• In app browser for twitter links
• Quickly get back to the top of the twitter list
• Configurable font size for twitter lists in settings
• Configurable tweet download size including 25, 50, 100, 150 and 200
• Instapaper and ReaditLater support for bookmarking links in tweets to read later