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Untexas Map 1.1
Screen Shots:
University of North Texas Map
Want to know where you are located on campus?
Want to know how long it takes to walk, drive or take public transit to your campus destination?
Are you tired of losing your paper maps or carrying them around?
What is UNTexas Map?
UNTexas Map is a navigation app for college students, faculties or anyone who is visiting the campus.
It is built with simplicity in mind, aiming to help you get to your campus destination with ease. Our emphasis is on precision of the coordinates.
- Effectively locate current user location
- A complete list of all lecture halls, labs, fields, dorms, parking locations, etc.
- Choose from walking, driving, and public transit directions and time of arrival features
- Smart keyword search for campus locations
- Zoom in and out using the Multi-Touch feature
- Able to Scroll through selected buildings on the map
- Easily display all locations
- Reliable satellite images from Google maps
- English
- Requires 3G or Wi-Fi connection
- Compatible with iPhone and iPod Touch
- Requires iPhone OS 3.0 or later
The whole college campus map on your finger tips.
For more info or suggestions/comments, please visit our website at
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