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Urban World 1.1
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Navigate the unprecedented global wave of urbanization with Urban World. Compare GDP, population and household income for more than 2,600 cities worldwide. Track the earth’s shifting economic center of gravity from 1 CE to 2025. Discover surprising facts and share them via Facebook or Twitter.
The growth of cities in emerging markets is driving the most significant economic transformation in history. Urban World offers a sense of how economic power will move as this unprecedented urban expansion takes place.
By 2025, the annual consumption of citizens in these emerging markets will reach $30 trillion and the GDP of these markets will exceed that of developed countries. China’s economy is changing at ten times the speed of the British Industrial Revolution—which was itself a turning point in the history of the world—and at 100 times the scale.
Comprehending the sheer scale and sweeping nature of this urban transformation is difficult. Urban World can help, by presenting an interactive economic and demographic map of the evolving urban landscape.
• Spin the globe, and pinch to zoom in on individual countries and cities and compare their population, household incomes, or GDP side-by-side.
• Use the search function to move quickly to a specific city, country, or region.
• Explore GDP from 1 CE to 2025 and view the shift in the world’s economic center of gravity over that same time period.
Urban World is based on more than five years of research by the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI), the business and economics research arm of McKinsey, the global management consultancy.