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Tommycam is back!
The University of Southern California runs a 24/7 webcam from the top of the building overlooking Tommy Trojan and Alumni Park.
Tommy Trojan, a life-size bronze statue located in the center of USC's historic University Park Campus, is the university's collegiate symbol and a favorite campus meeting spot since 1930. The brick building to Tommy's left is the Bovard Administration Building, built in 1922. Trousdale Parkway, a main thoroughfare on campus, is on the right. The glimpse of lawn and trees in the upper right is Alumni Park, which sits in front of Doheny Library.
This is a free app for iPhone and iPod touch which allows you to view live images from Tommy Cam in real-time.
USC is one of the world's leading private research universities, located in the heart of Los Angeles.
Made by Trojans for Trojans. Fight on!
You can also view TommyCam on the web at
Developed by GreenGar Studios
Formerly Gengar Studios