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Using Light From Quickpro 2.2.0
Screen Shots:
Want to Take Photos Like a Pro?
With iPhone Camera Guides from QuickPro, you'll never have to miss the shot of your life again. Whether it’s that birthday surprise, graduation ceremony, or your daughters' wedding day, the ability to take a photo like a Pro is within reach. It's literally in your pocket. Easy to use, full color video guides to all the top digital models are available for quick reference and review on your Apple iPhone.
QuickPro Camera Guides Using Light - An Introduction to digital photography offers photography instruction for beginning and intermediate photographers. Produced with both the digital SLR and point & shoot user in mind, this application guides aspiring photographers through photography fundamentals.
- Instructional video on all aspects of proper lighting techniques.
- On the go video playback. No WIFI required after initial install for watching in the field.
Subjects Include:
White Balance
Color of Light
Processing Light
Outdoor Light
Direct Sun vs. Shade
Time of Day
Indoor Light
Window Light
Using a Reflector
Using Flash
On-board and External Flash
Flash Diffusers
Flash Range