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Usmc Daily 1.7
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Get your daily dose of US Marine Corps news, messages, photos, etc. every day.
Think of this as your pocket version of the web site. The Featured section contains the news and photos selected for the home page.
You don't have to jump out to the web browser to read the articles; instead you can read the full article without ever leaving the app.
If you see an article that you like you can share it to anyone in your contacts list right from the app.
If you visit a feed often you can just add it to your Favorites section for easy access.
The content is updated daily so that you never miss anything.
Can you access the content without a 3G connection? Sure, but you need have an internet connection in order to download the latest before you go off-line. This way people with Wi-Fi only devices like iPod Touch and iPad, can read their USMC news on the bus or train.
This app is provided free of charge by MetroStar Systems, Inc. to the members, families, and fans of the United States Marine Corps.
Current content includes:
* Featured: ( home page)
- Top Stories
- Afghanistan Stories
- Expeditionary Stories
- Base and Station Stories
- Featured Images
- Photo Gallery
* Other News & Messages
- News - Most Recent
* Social
- Youtube
- Twitter
- Facebook
- Flickr
- All Hands Radio Podcast
* Community Relations
- In the Community
- Aerial Support
- Battle Color Detachment
- Color Guard