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Usmc Wallpaper 2.0
Screen Shots:
USMC Wallpaper is a collection of awesome Marine Corps photos for your iphone wallpaper. Easy to use-simply browse and save the photos you like. Includes a wide range of pics from combat scenes to aircraft to USMC logos.
- Photos of aircraft like Harriers, F-18s
- Helicopter photos - cobras, Hueys, and more
- Ships at sea
- Combat photos from World War 2 - Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima, Okinawa
- Combat photos from Korea
- Combat photos from Vietnam - Tet, Khe Sanh and at the Citadel
- Photos from Iraq
- Tanks, M1-A1 in action
- Photos of F-4 Phantom
- F-4 Corsair
- Dozens of Marine logos
- US Marine Corps flag
- US Marine corps division insignia
- Non-commissioned officers rank insignia
- Commissioned officer rank insignia
- Patches from different units
- Custom awesome looking cool logos
- 1st, 2d, and 3d Marine divisions
- 4th Marine Reserve division
Show your love of the Marines and show your support of our troops. Great for Marines, retired Marines, Marine family members or anyone that loves the USMC. Second marine division photo by Wikipedia user RekonDog.