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As the governing body of tennis, The United States Tennis Association is proud to offer USTA.TV, an application for the iPhone and iPad that allows everyone to access public and private content posted on the USTA’s Dartfish TV channel for free.
The channel features videos of the top professional players in action, broken down into key positions. A brand new library of HD and high speed videos is coming soon. Other featured content includes world renowned experts in their fields speaking on tennis specific topics such as strength and conditioning, mental toughness training, 10 & Under Tennis, and more.
Players, parents and coaches affiliated with Regional Training Centers or USTAPD National Training Centers, will be assigned a login that will enable viewing of private content from iOS devices. Coaches attending future USTA High Performance Coaching Programs will be able to access their on-court presentations as well as highlights from the course presentations through the app.
The app offers video scrubbing and accurate frame by frame playback both forward and backward for precise control over the video. The same key position technology that is on Dartfish TV is mirrored in the app allowing you to view the most important frames with drawing tools and a text description. Full screen playback is available in the landscape view to maximize your viewing experience.
Get the app today and stay connected with the USTA’s Dartfish TV channel for the latest and greatest free tennis content from USTA Player Development.