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Vic Fires 3.6.1
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This application is designed to provide up to date information about bush fire data in Victoria, Australia for iPhone, iPad and iPod users.
It utilises data from the Victorian Country Fire Authority/Victorian Department of Sustainability data feeds on fires, wind data from the Bureau of Meteorology with your current location provided by the iPhone GPS.
Using this information the application is able to provide a list of fires showing the nearest ones first, helping you to understand your current situation.
The information is reliant on both the accuracy of the iPhone GPS and the data recorded on the CFA's website.
This application does not cache any data, so Internet access (either Wireless. 3G or GPRS) is required to access the data.
We have enabled this application for the iPod Touch as well, but note that the GPS location and therefore distance from the fire may be very unreliable.
Be aware that while P4G has utilised "best efforts" to provide this information to you, it is not intended to replace other sources of information on the fire situation near you. Also remember that fire and weather can change quickly.
All data is provided Copyright from the Victorian Country Fire Authority and the Victorian Department of Sustainability.
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