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Video Games Manager 2.5.1
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Quickly catalog, filter, sort, and manage all of the video games you own. View information, cover, and add personal details. Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, 3DS, and more!
Uses barcode scanning, database search and manual barcode entry.
Here are just a handful of the features you get with this app:
- Create a free account and store your video games collection list in the cloud online. Access from any iOS device any time!
- Create a Wishlist of existing and new video games that you'd like to eventually own.
- Filter an Sort on any field of information within a video game.
- A coverflow view to see all of your video games when you turn your device sideways.
- Sort with the words The and A in the title.
- Library or List views. View your collection as you'd see it on a wall.
- Add your person details to a video game: Loaned To, Purchase Price, Storage Location, etc.
- Edit any video game details that are incorrect. All of our data is user driven so correct it as need and it will fix it for everyone!
- Support for all countries, platforms, number of players, personal high scores, etc.
- High resolution cover art for each video game.
- Full barcode scanning (10 items free, then in-app purchase).
- Bulk Scanning to add your video games to the application even quicker (in-app purchase).
- Shake to select a random item in your collection.
- Offline viewing of collection, export your collection, extra themes, and more! (in-app purchases)
Check out other apps by Sort It! Apps to manage most any collection you own.